Published: 29 অক্টো 2018

Role of gold in Indian mythology #SpeakingOfGold

Devdutt Pattanaik

Indian author and mythologist
Explore how gold played an important role in the Ramayana and is equally relevant in Indian culture with Devdutt Pattanaik

The symbolism of gold in our Indian epics is widespread. Indian mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik discusses the appearance of gold in various parts of the Ramayana; from the birth of Sita to the golden idol of Sita created by Ram, gold signifies the divine destiny that awaits her. Gold determines auspiciousness, and its removal is believed to spells ill fortune; this is explored through the differing actions of Kaikeyi and Sita. Gold is an undeniable part of the Indian epic, which when brought into focus provides perspective to significant events.